How to Support Your Loved One’s Mental Health Journey
How to Support Your Loved One’s Mental Health Journey
If you have a loved one who struggles with mood disorders like anxiety and depression or other concerns with mental and emotional health, you may find yourself at a loss for how to talk to them. Many loved ones will avoid these difficult conversations, but having someone to talk to can make a huge difference for a person who is struggling. If you want to talk to your loved one but you’re not sure where to begin, this blog will give you some basic advice about how to talk to and support your loved one’s mental health journey.
Validate ALL Their Emotions
Validation is one of the easiest ways to support a loved one who is struggling. You don’t have to understand exactly what they’re going through. You don’t have to provide advice or fix the other person’s problems. Instead, you simply need to sit with them, listen, and tell them that what they’re experiencing is real and valid. Listen with empathy and true curiosity with the desire to know someone more deeply. Remind them it’s okay to not be okay, and that they’re allowed to feel whatever they’re feeling.
Educate Yourself
You may not be able to deeply understand your loved one’s experience with struggles like depression or trauma if you’ve never experienced it yourself, but you can learn a little more about their specific experiences as well as general information about what they’re struggling with. Showing true curiosity and a desire to learn demonstrates to your loved one that you care and want to be there for them.
Create a Safe Space
Fear of being judged, disliked, or abandoned can cause many people who struggle with their mental health to self-isolate or pull away from their loved ones. Try to create a safe space free of judgement where your loved one feels they can open up honestly and authentically.
Celebrate Progress
It can be difficult for people who are having a tough time to see the good things that are going on, including the progress they’ve made. If you see your loved one doing something they wouldn’t have been able to before, taking a positive step toward achieving their goals, or otherwise feeling and living better, let them know. Tell them how excited you are to see them standing up for themselves, setting good boundaries, laughing more, or simply having the courage to open up and share their experience with you. Every step matters. Let them know you see their hard work and progress.
Rely on an Expert
At the end of the day, making an effort, showing love, and just being there to listen are the most important things. Remember, it’s not your job to fix anything or solve any problems. You’re just there to listen and support your loved one as they go through a difficult time. If you are feeling overwhelmed or having a tough time with everything that’s going on, you can always visit with one of our therapists at Lansing Counseling. Our counselors can help you process everything that’s going on and work through emotions that arise. To get started, call our team today.
Lansing Counseling
5030 Northwind Dr Suite 101
East Lansing, MI 48823